
At least she had a husband to kill

Ibland är Emily bara för bra för att vara sann. Här är Lorelai och Rory på friday-night-dinner och stämningen är frostig mellan mor och dotter, den äldre upplagan, sen Emily fick reda på att Lorelai och Christopher inte är tillsammans längre.

Lorelai: Oh my God.

Emily: Reading in front of other people is extremely rude, Lorelai.

Lorelai: Shauna Christy shot her husband.
Emily: What?
Lorelai: Shauna Christy, you remember Shauna Christy.
Emily: Yes, I remember Shauna Christy, she was a lovely girl.
Lorelai: Well, apparently this lovely girl came home to find her husband giving the nanny a nice little bonus package. And they say good help is hard to find.
Emily: That’s just gossip.
Lorelai: Gossip? The man was shot thirty-five times. He looks like a sprinkler system.
Emily: I can’t believe this. Shauna was always such a nice girl. She was bright, cultured, well-spoken.
Lorelai: And apparently a big Annie Oakley fan.
Emily: This is not funny, the woman committed a crime.
Lorelai: Okay, fine.
Emily: This is a tragedy.
Lorelai: My bad, sorry.
Emily: A man is dead, a young woman ruined.
Lorelai: Consider the subject dropped.
Emily: At least she had a husband to kill.
Lorelai: This is nice, isn’t it?

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