
Frog girl welcomes you to the club!

The things you do for love! Lorelai var på en date med Alelx och råkade säga ja till att åka på en fisketur med honom trots att hon avskyr friluftsliv. Här diskuterar hon saken med Sookie.

Sookie: Honey, we all do it. When Jackson and I first started dating, we went to this pickling festival, and he wore a shirt with a giant frog on it. So I’m trying to make conversation and I say, "Hey, cute frog." And he says, "You like frogs?" and I say, "I love frogs!" So, for our six-month anniversary, he gives me a frog figurine.

Lorelai: Aw.

Sookie: And then when Christmas came, he gave me another frog figurine. And then he told his family what to get me, and all of a sudden...

Lorelai: Your frog collection!

Sookie: I’m the frog girl.

Lorelai: You never told him you don’t love frogs?

Sookie: No. He has the best time buying them for me, so I just let him buy them.

Lorelai: That’s sweet. Maybe I could go fishing. Maybe. Once.


Sookie: So?

Lorelai: So... I’m going fishing. I’m the fish girl.

Sookie: Frog girl welcomes you to the club!

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