
Några glimtar av London

Jag tänkte visa några bilder från vår resa till London. Vi fick låna Martins föräldrars lilla pocketkamera, vilket var oerhört praktiskt och bra.

I thought I'd show some photos from our trip to London this weekend. We borrowed Martin's parent's tiny pocket camera, which was very practical.

Torsdagen spenderades mestadels på Arlanda. Vi hängde där mellan 11-20 på grund av dåliga förbindelser, men det var faktiskt riktigt mysigt. Vi köpte varsin bok och parkerade oss i fåtöljer och bara slappade.

On Thursday we spent a good part of the day on the airport in Stockholm, since we hadn't found a good flight. It was actually kind of cozy though, we bought a book each and sat down in some comfy chairs and just relaxed and read.

Promenaden ner till Oxford Street på fredag morgon var solig och vacker.

The walk down to Oxford Street on Friday morning was sunny and beautiful.

Var vi än tittade såg vi ständigt dessa röda bussar, gärna täckta av Harry Potter-reklam.

Wherever we looked, there were lots of red buses, many of which were covered in Harry Potter commercials.

Överallt låg det Starbuckscaféer. Vi åt frukost där en gång och drack caffe latte en gång, men det var lite av en besvikelse efter allt jag läst om dem.

Everywhere we went there were Starbucks coffee shops. We ate breakfast there once and had lattes there once, but I was a bit disappointed after all the positive reviews I'd read.

Massor av julskyltning fanns det också. Denna från Benetton tyckte jag var rätt kul.

There was lots of Christmas decorations in shop windows. I thought this one from Benetton was pretty funny.

Ingen kunde undgå filmen att filmen Christmas Carol skulle ha premiär, men mysig belysning var det ju för all del.

No one could miss that the movie Christmas Carol was about to premiere, but I still thought those lights were cozy.

Vi passade på att göra en massa turistiga saker också, som att åka London Eye och besöka Madame Tussauds vaxkabinett. Det förstnämnda kändes mest givande, det var kul att se staden från ovan. Madame Tussauds var förstås trevligt det också, men det var otroligt mycket folk. Vi provade också på deras attraktion Scream i skräckkabinettet, men var tvungna att backa ut då jag inte klarade av att bli attackerad av skrikande människor i mörkret.

We did some real tourist-y things too, like taking a ride in the London Eye and visiting Madame Tussaud's waxworks museum. The former was more fun I thought, it was really special to see the city from above. Madame Tussaud's was fun too, but it was so extremely crowded. We tried the attraction Scream in the horror cabinet, but we had to back out again since I couldn't take being attacked by screamin people in the dark.

Big Ben i skymningsljuset, fotat av min käre make. Det roliga var att vi gick förbi parlamentshuset och pratade om var Big Ben låg. Vi hade båda fått för oss att det låg någon annanstans. Efter långa funderingar och efter att Martin försökt speja efter det under tiden vi åkte i London Eye så kom jag på att det nog kanske ändå var klocktornet i parlamentshuset...

Big Ben in the twillight, shot by Martin. The funny thing was that we went past the houses of parliament and talked about where Big Ben was. We both seemed to remember that it was somewhere else. After some thinking I realised that perhaps it might just be the bell tower in the houses of parliament...

På lördag promenerade vi genom Mayfair på eftermiddagen, ett vackert område med massor av diplomatbostäder och gamla vackra hus. Efter ett tag kom vi fram till Picadilly Street och Green Park, som leder fram till Buckingham Palace. Parken var supermysig, trots att det regnade och var allmänt grått ute.

On Saturday we walked through Mayfair in the afternoon. It's a very pretty neighbourhood with lots of old houses, and many consulates are located there. After a while we reached Picadilly Street and Green Park, which leads to Buckingham Palace. The park was really cozy and beautiful, even though it rained and the skies were grey.

Jag var tvungen att fota ett klassiskt turistkort av Martin framför palatset. Notera också hur snäll han är som turas om att bära min väska.

I just had to shoot one of those classic tourist shots of Martin in front of the palace. Please note how kind he is to help carry my bag for me.

Efter att ha tittat på palatset några minuter gick vi vidare till The Queen's Gallery & Shop som låg runt hörnet. I entrén hade de en maffig julgran med kungakronor i. På något sätt var det väldigt stämningsfullt och fint även om vi kom fram till att det hade sett riktigt vulgärt ut hemma hos oss.

After having looked at the palace for a little while, we went on to The Queen's Gallery & Shop which was just around the corner. In the entrance they had a big Christmas tree with crowns in them. Somehow it was very atmospheric and nice, even though we agreed that it would have looked really tacky in our place.

Slutligen måste jag bara visa en bild av sängen i vårt hotellrum. Den där leopardmönstrade filten var en sak för sig och något som jag sent kommer att glömma. Allt som allt så har vi haft det hur trevligt som helst och jag kan verkligen rekommendera en tripp till London för lite trevliga storstadsupplevelser.

Finally I just had to show you a photo of the bed in our hotel room. That lepoard printed blanket will haunt me for the rest of my life I think! All in all we had a really good trip and I can really recommend going to London if you want to experience a nice metropolis.

6 kommentarer:

shanon sa...

Oh my gosh! I don't know what I love more-- all the crazy things they decorate Christmas trees with, Martin holding your purse (hehehe), or that leopard blanket! *Rawrrrr!*

You couldn't pay me to go into an attraction where people try to scare you in the dark. No thank you!

And p.s. I've only gone to Starbucks twice, and got the same thing both times. My friend ordered it for me. ; )

Moa sa...

Haha, for me it's that leopard blanket, it's just etched into my memory :)

I thought I'd be able to handle the Scream thing, because it said that it was ok for kids over 12... but no, I panicked and was almost in tears before we could get out of there.

I think the sandwiches and stuff at Starbucks is ok, but the coffee is just too washy (or weak, I don't know what you say in English). In Europe the coffee is usually stronger, and I like that even though I add lots of milk :)

Anonym sa...

Välkomna hem och tack för de mysiga och roliga fotona från London. Passande med Harry Potter-reklam på bussarna och guldkronor i granen. :) Engelska överkast och bäddning tycks vara ett kapitel för sig. :)

Kram Anna

Moa sa...

Tack Anna! Haha, ja engelsmännen verkar ha lite annan smak än oss :) Vi får höras snart! Kram

Brabourne Farm sa...

How fabulous to be able to go to London for the weekend! It takes us about 24 hours from Australia so unfortunately I only get to go once a year. Looks like you had a great time. Leigh

Moa sa...

Yes, it was wonderful! It's great to have the European big cities relatively close by :) But on the other hand I'd love to go to Australia or the US, and that's quite a bit away... :)

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