
Konsten att få sin vilja fram

Här är ett fint exempel på Emilys manipulativa förmåga, hon har just fått reda på att Rory inte bara gjort slut med Dean utan även blivit tillsammans med Jess.

Emily: Oh, I see. Well, am I going to get to meet him soon?

Rory: Oh, I don’t know.

Lorelai: Yeah, Mom, that might be hard to arrange.

Emily: Well, how hard can it be? Just bring him over for dinner sometime. How about next Friday?
Rory: Oh, I don’t know.
Lorelai: Uh, yeah, Mom, that might be hard to arrange.
Emily: It’s perfect timing. Richard will still be out of town and it would be nice to round off the group with a fourth.
Lorelai: He works Fridays, doesn’t he?
Rory: Yeah, that’s his usual night. Friday night. It’s a bad night.
Emily: Oh, okay. Well, I suppose I’ll eventually meet him someday at some function.
Lorelai: Perhaps a wedding.
Emily: Or Rory’s graduation. That’s good. That way we’ll all get to meet him at once. Myself, Richard, Gran. Maybe I’ll bring a couple of girls from the DAR. Reverend Mahoney might like to come also.
Rory: You know what, Grandma, now that I think about it, I think Jess does have next Friday night off.

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