
Spandex and a tube top it is

Eftersom det var sista avsnittet så var det fint att se att förhållandet mellan Lorelai och hennes föräldrar slutligen har ordnat upp sig. Eftersom deras friday night dinners alltid har varit ett av villkoren för Rorys skolpengar och Rory nu slutat skolan är Emily rädd att hon och Richard inte kommer att få träffa Lorelai mer än ytterst sporadiskt.

Emily: I have an idea for you.
Lorelai: Oh no.
Emily: Mm?
Lorelai: (Rättar sig) Oh no, don't stop there, go on.
Emily: I think you should add a spa to your inn.

Lorelai vill inte ha något spa, trots Emilys ivriga brandtal kring hur underbara och populära de är. Lite senare på festen har Emily ytteligare en idé.

Emily: Listen, instead of a spa - what about a tennis court? People love tennis, you can put a bubble over it.
Lorelai: Oh, God.
Emily: Outside the inn, you could use it in the summer and in the winter - there's really no downside.
Lorelai: Mmh...
Emily: Now it's a little expensive, but your father and I have discussed it and we are willing to loan you the money. Standard terms, no interest...
Lorelai: Mom, why do you wanna loan me money?
Emily: All it would require is that the three of us sit down and hash out the details. Obviously we want to get together with you from time to time to see how things are progressing, but we wouldn't become pests about it.
Lorelai: Mom, why don't we just talk about it friday night at dinner.
Emily: Oh. So our friday night dinners are going to continue then?
Lorelai: Well, we might as well. I've kind of gotten used to it.
Emily: All right, that sounds fine. (paus) But don't be late and don't wear jeans.
Lorelai: Fine. Spandex and a tube top it is.
Emily skrattar!

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