
"Life first, miss Lemon, filing second"

Ett fantastiskt citat från Poirot om vikten av balans mellan arkivsystemen och livet.

Miss Lemon: There's a lady that keeps telephoning, mr Poirot.
Poirot: Sacre! What a terrible circumstance.
Miss Lemon: There's no need to be sarcastic, mr Poirot. I was going on to say I didn't put her through to you because she wouldn't give her name.
Poirot: Ah.
Miss Lemon: I told her you don't take anonymous phone calls.
Poirot: But I do, miss Lemon, sometimes I think anonymous phone calls are the only ones worth taking.
Miss Lemon: But how will I know where to file her if I haven't got a name?
Poirot: Life first, miss Lemon, filing second.
Miss Lemon: (surt) Very well then, next time she calls I'll let her talk to you. ... And on your own head be it.
Captain Hastings: You shouldn't tease her, Poirot.
Poirot: She makes it irresistible.

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